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Title: 360º educational robotics project management for high abilities and gifted students
Authors: Silva, Marlete Maria da
Koike, Carla Maria Chagas Cavalcante
Carneiro, Liliane Bernardes
Assunto:: Robótica educacional
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Department of Production and Systems – PAEE association, School of Engineering of University of Minho
Citation: SILVA, Marlete M. da; KOIDE, Carla Maria Chagas Cavalcante; CARNEIRO, Liliane Bernardes. 360º educational robotics project management for high abilities and gifted students. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PROJECT APPROACHES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION (PAEE), 12.; ACTIVE LEARNING IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION WORKSHOP (ALE), 17, 2020, Bangkok. Proceedings [...]. Guimarães - Portugal: Department of Production and Systems – PAEE association, School of Engineering of University of Minho, 2020. Disponível:
Abstract: This paper presents the results of a project that analysed Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE) for High Abilities and Gifted Students (AH/SD) aged 7 to 15 in two public schools in the Federal District over a period of 24 months. The work was developed through a partnership between University of Brasília (UnB) and the State Department of Education of the Federal District (SEEDF). This project enabled the implementation of two educational robotics laboratories, acquisition of electronic devices (five educational robotic kits and two kits for assembling 3D printers), among other materials. The project also provided scholarships for Mechatronics and Computer Engineering students at the university as well as opportunities for teacher training, including support for the monitors and students in class throughout the project period. It was also possible to develop a system to control the attendance to AH/SD students. The objective of this study consisted of inserting Educational Robotics (RE) in attendance to AH/SD students and evaluating scientific knowledge in the field of robotics and cognitive development through workshops aimed at stimulating skills, creative thinking, cooperation, interpersonal relationships, and problem solving. It also aimed at sharing a successful experience that combined the contents conveyed to students of graduate, undergraduate and technical level courses in the execution of the lesson planning. Thus, this paper presents an ER project management model with a multidisciplinary team that contributed to the technological learning process in basic education and obtained a successful result.
metadata.dc.description.unidade: Instituto de Ciências Exatas (IE)
Departamento de Ciência da Computação (IE CIC)
Appears in Collections:Trabalhos apresentados em evento

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